Discipline of Steel
This is a weekly Master Class to build Functional Strength and a Discipline of Steel, with a mindful and progressive method you can follow at home with your own equipment.
You’re not too old for this — The power of daily goals — 4 kettlebell exercises for beginners — And the exercise of the week: Vertical Band Pull-aparts
Variety in strength training — The Dual Strength Method — 4 power and core exercises with a medicine ball — And the exercise of the week: Bulgarian Splits
The most important thing I’ve learnt about recovery — When and why I skip workouts — Why limited equipment makes you better — And the exercise of the week: Swinging Leg Raises
All you need to know about pull-up bars — How to keep strong and healthy bones — The most compact but complete home gym — And the exercise of the week: Inclined Push-ups
Why you need balance training — 3 wellness ball exercises to challenge your balance — 5 basic principles of strength that everyone needs to know — And the exercise of the week: Single-Arm TRX Rows
A rowing machine full-body program — 4 tips to perfect your form without a coach — Read this before you add weight — And the exercise of the week: Step-ups
How I split my workouts — Flexibility vs Mobility — Don’t let this make you quit — And the exercise of the week: Hanging Knee Raises
5 push-up variations for every level — Do you drink enough water to build muscle? — And the exercise of the week: Box Dips
Why a set of 3 resistance bands is all you need — Pull-Push-Legs explained — The most important tool you’re not using — And the exercise of the week: Hip Flexions
5 tips to start training at home safely — Form first, weights later — Did you hit a plateau? Try these first — And the exercise of the week: Scapula Pulls on Rings
Did you know resistance bands could do this? — 7 alternative methods for progressive overload — And the exercise of the week: Kettlebell Swing Challenge
Can you burn enough calories with exercise? — Free weights + bands = no more plateau — And the exercise of the week: Box Jumps